As I think back to when I was a child... I was not required to preform and do certain things that put me under pressure to "do it right, or like so-and-so"? I was allowed the freedom to explore and try new things within the safety and security of a loving home environment. I think most of us who are mothers now did not experience preschool, as it was not such a widespread and "expected" thing during our childhood. In fact Pre-school was started as a program for children who were deprived a stable loving environment to learn the basics in, and it has obviously changed into a social "norm". We may not have had all the experiences, socialization, and crafts in the same manner that can be had now... but I certainly do not regret it!
I had my mother, she lovingly watched over me, she sang to me, she read to me, she taught me many things through everyday experiences, she gave me the freedom to enjoy my childhood without the structure and pressures of adult life and schooling at too young an age. That is what I want for my children. Life has so many pressures and structure and responsibility and time passes all to quickly. Children are meant to learn joy from their mothers, just as we are meant to have Joy in our children, and we can learn so much from watching and taking time to be with them and love them. And to experience the joy and satisfaction of seeing their eyes light up when they learn something new for the first time.
I love Sis. Hinckley's attitude toward having her children at home "(she) loved the sound of the screen door slamming shut as the children ran in from the backyard... Marjorie savored the days she had her five to herself, and she went to great lengths to keep summers unstructured so her young ones would have time to lie in the gully and listen to the birds sing if they wanted to. She wept each fall when it was time to send her brood back to school; even when school was in session she looked forward to the moment each day when her children burst through the door and started scrounging for an afternoon snack..." Glimpses into the Life and Heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley
But believe me, I have days that I just needed a break from it all and that life and responsibilities seems so very demanding. I am not the perfect mother, no one is, but I am working on becoming the best mother I can be, as we all are. I love the word becoming, to become means: to undergo change or development, and I like the idea that we are all working towards becoming who we and more importantly who our Beloved Father in Heaven wants us to become. I feel that that means that we don't have to be perfect right now, we all make mistakes, but we can continue to work toward what we can become, and it gives me hope and optimism.
Some links that have furthered my thoughts on preschool...
Should I send my child to Preschool?
Better Late than Early
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