Every mother teaches her children, whether you have just a few minutes a day or 24/7 to be teaching, you CAN and DO teach your Children!

This is just a little notebook tucked away on the web for all the little things I'm learning as I teach my children, but mostly learn from them, and especially the things I wish I could have known 6 children ago! Becoming a Mother is such a beautiful and strenuous process that unfolds line upon line.

Enjoy and please feel free to contribute thoughts, links, and ideas you have or find!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby Steps# 1 - A Schedule/Chore Chart

Baby Steps # 1 - A Schedule - for me this seems the ultimate step, we need to establish healthy habits and routines!  The boys need to feel accountable and excited about doing the things they need to do. We Need to be Dressed and ready for the day before 10am! (Opps - not there yet today ;-) But that's okay, because we are just starting, we will get there! I've googled chore charts and all its variations and haven't found anything that "fits". So I'm going to make my own.

Today we are taking pictures of the boys doing all the routines that we are going to put on their schedule/chore chart (which is part of the reason we still aren't all ready, the camera battery died, and is charging as I write. While the boys are playing contentedly, 1 dressed, 2 only 1/2 dressed, 1 "belly-boy" aka running in a diaper). Anyway, each chart will be customized to them! My hope/wish/dream is that it will help make it fun to check their schedule and then go and do the items on it!! The truth is yet to come ;-)!

GOAL: Have a schedule/chore chart created and begin using it by Friday!

What's your goal?

Do you know of any great schedules, chore charts, ideas for organization/motivation, etc... if so please share!

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Every child and every adult is individual and different! When you are doing your best and seeking inspiration as to what is best for your child(ren) you will be given the guidance that you and they need. It likely will be quite different than what I or someone else is doing, but you need to do what is right and best for your child. I hope that some of my experiences can help someone on their quest to learn how to become all that they can become, I am glad that I have recorded them!

Please join in and share thoughts, tips, and things that will help uplift and enrich mothers, children, and families!