has more wonderful resources and inspirational guidance on your path to becoming all you can be as a mother, a father, a teacher, than you will find anywhere else. Take time to study the doctrine of teaching and of the scriptures, of the Prophets, of our Savior Jesus Christ. Then you will become all that you can be and all that your children need you to be. "The Lord can do remarkable miracles with a person of ordinary ability who is humble, faithful, and diligent in serving the Lord and seeks to improve himself. This is because God is the ultimate source of power." ~ Elder James E. Faust, "Acting for Ourselves and Not Being Acted Upon," Oct. 1995 general conference.
In particular there is a whole section of that is dedicated to Teaching the Gospel, and "What teaching can compare in priceless value and in far-reaching effect with that which deals with man as he was in the eternity of yesterday, as he is in the mortality of today, and as he will be in the forever of tomorrow." J. Reuben Clark Jr., "Excerpts from The Charted Course of the Church in Education," Ensign, Sept. 2002, 60. Teaching the Gospel is full of guidance and direction as you learn of the importance of Your Call to Teach; the Principles and Methods of Teaching; Teaching Children, Youth and Adults; and Teaching in the Home. Each section will inspire and educate as you seek to become a better teacher, mother or father to your children.
Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching: Lesson 1: Teaching Children
Truly I am amazed, I have heard of this book, and we have it in our personal library collection, but I never knew what a treasure trove of parental guidance lay within it's pages. A favorite quote from it's pages is;"Elder M. Russell Ballard said, “Clearly, those of us who have been entrusted with precious children have been given a sacred, noble stewardship, for we are the ones God has appointed to encircle today’s children with love and the fire of faith and an understanding of who they are” (“Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children,” Ensign, Apr. 1994, 60). The Savior’s example sets a pattern for us as we teach, care for, and influence children.
It is a sacred responsibility to teach children the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them learn to live it. ...... With the Spirit to guide you, you can love and teach children in a Christlike way. You can help each child find the peace promised to those who follow the Savior: “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (3 Nephi 22:13)."
Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching: Lesson 2: Age Characteristics of Children - This is a Wonderful resource for learning child development and growth, it starts at 18 months and goes on to 12 years old. A very good thing to have as a guide as you plan lessons and activities for your children and to help you understand the way they see and understand things at the stage they are in.
Pres. David O. McKay stated that "No greater responsibility can rest upon any man [or woman] than to be a teacher of God's children." (Conference Report, Oct. 1916, 57.) As mothers and fathers we have been given the greatest gift of trust and responsibility. Let us honor that trust and that love, by becoming the best we can be through earnest study and faith, and by teaching His and our dearest little ones every day in every way.